Jabajabba | Question Everything

Human v2.0


Meet the scientific prophets who claim we are on the verge of creating a new type of human – a human v2.0.

Will the human species take the course of its own future evolution into its hands as a result of advances in genetic engineering and the merging of the human mind with advanced computer technologies?

We are approaching a very uncertain future beyond which we can barely glimpse. On our immediate horizon lies Vernor Vinge’s “Singularity”, the point at which computers reach and surpass human intelligence. Will humans become extinct or will we merge with our machines in a symbiosis that will create a new player in the future evolutionary story of planet Earth. We are at the cross roads of evolution and what really lies ahead is anybody’s guess.

In the following BBC Horizon documentary meet the scientific prophets who claim we are on the verge of creating a new type of human – a human v2.0.

It’s predicted that by 2029 computer intelligence will equal the power of the human brain. Some believe this will revolutionize humanity – we will be able to download our minds to computers extending our lives indefinitely. Others fear this will lead to our oblivion by giving rise to destructive ultra intelligent machines.

One thing they all agree on is that the coming of this moment and whatever it brings is inevitable.