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Profumo Affair Exposed Masonic Conspiracy


Christine Keeler at 19


The public perception of the Profumo Affair does not correspond with reality. Stephen Ward was a KGB agent. The scandal was designed to replace the Macmillan government with one more receptive to the globalist agenda. The “Profumo Affair” was staged by the KGB, along with the MI-6, CIA and Mossad, the operating arms of the Illuminati.


“It was always a posh crowd who would arrive in chauffeur-driven Bentleys or Rolls Royces. It seemed to me that having money dictated  that you had group sex as often as you possibly could.” 


Christine Keeler’s memoir“The Truth At Last” (2001) puts the scandal which helped topple Harold Macmillan’s government in 1963 in the context of the Illuminati conspiracy.

Keeler’s mentor Stephen Ward (1912-1963) was a Russian agent, part of a spy ring that included royal art curator Sir Anthony Blunt and Sir  Roger Hollis, head of MI-5 (1956-1965.) In her presence, they conspired to give British Defense secrets to the USSR. She told the police and Lord Denning but it was suppressed because English Masonry’s control of both England and the USSR was not public knowledge.

Based on what we know about Victor Rothschild and from Heinrich Muller, Communism was a creation of British Freemasonry which in turn is an instrument of the Rothschild banking empire. (The Illuminati is the top rung of Freemasonry.)

The British establishment is rotten with traitors if that word has any meaning when treason is the norm. Our view of the world as warring nation-states does not reflect reality.

History and current events are theater. A tightly-knit satanic sex cult subtly controls all states and pits them against each other in a profitable and diverting Punch-and-Judy show.  The nearly accomplished goal: world government tyranny.


Ward and Keeler


Left-Right distinctions are also meaningless. Keeler witnessed the “Communist” Stephen Ward meeting with “Fascist” leader Oswald Mosley.

In Oct. 1962, she overheard Stephen Ward tell Eugene Ivanov, his Soviet contact: “a man like John Kennedy will not be allowed to stay in such an important position of power in the world, I can assure you of that.” (146) Indeed Ward operated another honey pot in NYC and entrapped JFK.

Stephen Ward was prosecuted for being a pimp and Keeler for prostitution but this did not reflect reality. Ward (an Osteopath who supposedly committed suicide while on trial) was a KGB spy master who used the innocent Keeler to get information from important men.


John Profumo


The Minister of War, John Profumo, 48, married and a father, was touted to become Prime Minister.  Yet, he betrayed this great private and public responsibility by having a schoolboy affair with a nineteen-year-old girl. Keeler describes him as simply unable to control his lust.

Ward made his subordinate Soviet Naval Attache Ivanov seduce Keeler in order to compromise Profumo. Stephen Ward was a Soviet agent whose job was to undermine the Conservative government to make way for Harold Wilson’s Labor Party. The “Profumo Affair” was staged by the KGB, along with the MI-6, CIA and Mossad, the operating arms of the Illuminati.

Christine Keeler was a beautiful teenager who mostly gave it away in return for admission to the fast lane. She slept with everyone from Ringo Starr to George Peppard, to the Captain and officers of the ocean liner New Amsterdam.

“I had sex with captain and officers because I could, because I had the power to make them want me.”

She became a symbol for sexual “liberation” in the early 1960’s, a siren like Marilyn Monroe.   But what was presented as a relaxation of sexual repression was just getting the camel’s nose under the tent.


(“Scandal” is a great movie but story is fictitious. “I’m sorry, but that film was just a snapshot of what really went on,” Keeler wrote. “The surface has barely been rippled.”)


The Masonic elite were/are into every form of sexual depravity and have inducted society-as-a-whole into what is, in fact, a pagan sex cult.  It’s one thing not to be a prude; another to have sex shoved in your face constantly.

At Cliveden, the seat of the Astor family and a center of British power, Keeler reports finding in the wood “a witch circle, the real thing, about ten feet in diameter.” (30) Keeler describes orgies:

“Stephen knew all the Masonic handshakes and he said that at some of the parties the girls would just wear Masonic aprons. They would be flicked up and down like a sporran,” he would laugh. Some of the women..were heavily into sadistic sex and there were ‘black magic’ parties which were really just an excuse for group sex sessions. There would be phallic totem poles around which all these women would bow and scrape .”

The “cream” of British politics, business, culture, and law participated in this scene. The Duke of Edinburgh (husband of Queen Elizabeth) was known to have affairs and at least one illegitimate child.”Some of these people seemed insatiable,” Keeler said. “They could go at it for ages and come and come and come. And after all of that, it was casual chat about government policy on this and that. That’s civilization for you–I suppose the Romans started it.”

“It was always a posh crowd who would arrive in chauffeur-driven Bentleys or Rolls Royces. It seemed to me that having money dictated  that you had group sex as often as you possibly could.”

Perhaps sex addiction and a lack of what Mathew Arnold called “high seriousness” are prerequisites for our political leaders. After all, they must represent the interests of the Masonic central banking cartel, and in case they forget, must be easily blackmailable. This may explain the choice of US Presidential candidates.

Mankind will remain a perennial underachiever so long as we are governed by ruthless greedy Satanists and their minions.