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The Hillary Child-Sex Tape Is Worse Than You Can Imagine

Multiple sources within the FBI and NYPD have confirmed the existence of a “sickening” Hillary Clinton sex tape involving Huma Abedin and an underage teenage girl, and provided assurances that a faction within the department has vowed to send Hillary Clinton to jail for the rest of her life.

This video contains graphic details concerning the Hilary sex tape and the horrific acts she committed against a young girl. The footage found on Anthony Weiner’s laptop caused some of the most hardened NYPD officers to weep, vomit and seek psychological help.

A small faction within the NYPD have been pursuing leads and identifying key players implicated in “an elite network of sickos and perverts”, and have identified former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton as someone who “under normal circumstances would be arrested by now.”

NYPD detectives privy to the contents of the tape have been “getting their ducks in a row” preparing for it’s release, explaining that “we are not just talking careers on the line, we are talking about lives. We have to get it right.”

According to QAnon, the infamous White House insider, President Trump’s recent announcement that he is going after high profile child sex offenders is directly linked to the tape.

A senior detective says Anthony Weiner, the accidental provider of the tape, was the first domino to fall.

Jailed for 21 months on underage sex charges, including production of child pornography, the former Congressman’s computer is a “hive of repugnant filth” that implicates numerous high-level bureaucrats.

According to NYPD sources, files found on Weiner’s newly found laptop which he shared with his wife Huma Abedin, show evidence of a political pedophile ring operating within Washington, involving members of Congress as well as numerous top Clinton aides and insiders.

According to reports, a folder on Weiner’s laptop named ‘life insurance‘ contains explicit evidence that both Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin helped run and cover-up a Washington pedophile sex ring.

Weiner is “the first in a series of high-profile perpetrators that will be spending time behind bars,” according to the NYPD.

“We have to make sure everything is as tight as a duck’s ass. These are extremely powerful people we are dealing with. Any semblance of a loophole and they will wriggle out of it again. How many times have we seen that before? It’s not going to happen again. The security of the Republic is at stake.”

According to former assistant FBI director James Kallstrom, Bill and Hillary Clinton are part of a “crime family” who have created a cartel to bribe and intimidate top officials whenever one of their crimes is under investigation.

During a radio interview with John Catsimatidis, the former assistant FBI director took aim at the Clintons, outlining a pattern of sexual abuse, intimidation and cover-ups spanning decades.

“The Clintons, that’s a crime family, basically,” Kallstrom said. “It’s like organized crime. I mean the Clinton Foundation is a cesspool.” Kallstrom, best known for leading the investigation into the explosion of TWA flight 800 in the late ’90s, said that Hillary Clinton is a “pathological liar” and predatory sex offender, and Bill Clinton is a serial rapist whose crimes have been covered up by successive generations of corrupt officials on the Clinton payroll.