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Europa: The Last Battle

Europa: The Last Battle [Part 6]

• Operation Barbarossa
• The Liberation of Russia
• Pearl Harbor
• Churchill’s Bengal Famine
• The Brutal Terror-Bombings of German Cities & The Firestorm in Dresden

Europa: The Last Battle [Part 7]

• The Katyn Massacre
• The Rape of Europe
• Eisenhower’s Death-Camps
• The Genocide of Germany
• The Last Days of The Third Reich
• Plan A – The Jewish Terrorist Plan to Genocide 6 Million Germans

Europa: The Last Battle [Part 8]

• The Holocaust – Expulsion vs Extermination
• The Origin Of The “Six Million” Figure
• The Allied Black Propaganda, Atrocity Fiction & Psychological Warfare
• The Labor & Internment Camps
• The Gas-Chambers
• The Soap & Lampshades
• The International Red Cross Report & Jewish Population Numbers

Europa: The Last Battle [Part 9]

• The Aftermath of World War II
• The Destruction of Europe & Western Civilization
• The Greater Israel Project & The Zionist War on Terror
• The Great Demographic Replacement & The Invasion of Europe
• The New World Order & The Satanic End Goal

Europa: The Last Battle [Part 10]

• The Nationalist Revolution & The Awakening
• Credits