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AEON of HORUS: The Occult History of NASA




Since its inception in 1958 the truth of NASA’s occult origins has been discretely hidden from public awareness; origins linked to perhaps the most “wicked” of all occult practitioners in modern history, Satanist, Aleister Crowley. As well, the highest echelons of NASA’s administration were dominated by secret society initiates including Freemasons and Nazi SS personnel, most notably, Wernher Von Braun. This high-tech occult cabal secretly used the Apollo moon missions, not to advance science, but to serve their devotion to the mystery gods of ancient Egypt.





The Tragic Tale of the Rocket Maker




When the history of the American space program is finally written, no figure will stand out quite like John Whiteside Parsons. (Richard Metzger, “John Whiteside Parsons: Anti-Christ Superstar,” April 8, 2003)

He was an unorthodox genius, a poet and rocket scientist who helped give birth to an institution that would become mankind’s window on the universe. He was also a devotee of the black arts, a sci-fi junkie and host of backyard orgies on Pasadena’s stately Millionaires’ Row. (“Life as Satanist Propelled Rocketeer,” Los Angeles Times, March 19, 2000)

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